How to Spy on Facebook

How to Spy on Facebook

Spying on Facebook is a prevalent act. But now Facebook has improved its privacy control. You cannot use the old ways to hack Facebook or spy on messages. There are only a few techniques that still work. One such approach is using the Facebook Spy feature of a spying app. By using a trusted spying app, you can easily spy on Facebook.

Facebook Spy function falls under the social media spy option. Apart from Facebook, you can also spy on other social media platforms. If you want to know more about Facebook Spy, we can help you. In this post, we will show you how to spy on Facebook.

Facebook Spy

Facebook Spy
Facebook Spy

Facebook spy is a spying app function that is used to spy on Facebook. By using this function of a spying app, you can get all the Facebook messages on your dashboard. You have to be really careful while using this feature because of Facebook’s privacy rules. Only a few people can spy on Facebook. If you don’t fall into the category of a parent or an employer, you cannot spy on Facebook.

What can you do by using Facebook Spy?

You can get a lot of information by using the Facebook Spy option. Here is a list of all the information.

  • Messages: You can read all the Facebook conversation with this feature. You can check the type of message, i.e. sent or received. You can read all the messages.
  • Message Body: You can check the message body by clicking on it. You can read every message, no matter how long or short it is.
  • Time & Date: You will get each message as per date and time. The messages will be arranged in that order. You can message by using the search filter as well.
  • Contact Details: Apart from messages, you can also get contact details. You can check the name as well as the profile picture of the sender/ receiver.

How does it work?

It works similarly like WhatsApp Spy. The details from the phone’s Facebook messenger is stored on the phone. This information is copied by the spying app, which is installed on the phone. This information is then uploaded in the spying account. You can access the account to get the latest data from the phone.

Advantages of Facebook Spy

Here is a list of all the benefits of Facebook Spy.

  • For Parents: This feature is very beneficial for parents. If you want to know what your child is doing on Facebook, you can simply use this function to get all the details. You can keep a close eye on them. You can also protect them from dangerous people on Facebook.
  • For Employer: As an employer, you need to control your employees. By spying on their Facebook, you can check if they are talking to your competitors are stealing information from your company. You can also check their performance and supervise them.
  • Easy to use: Instead of using the phone to check Facebook messages secretly, you can relax at home, open your spying account, and quickly check all the messages.
  • Accurate data: You will get accurate data with this function. As all the data is extracted directly from the phone, there is no doubt about accuracy.

Steps to Spy on Facebook Account & Messages

If you want to know how to use Facebook Spy, follow these steps.

Step 1: Setup

Step 1: Setup
Step 1: Setup

For setting up the app, you need to follow two different processes. For the iPhone setup, there is no need for installing the app. You just need to add the iCloud details to setup.

For the android setup, you need to prepare the phone first. Go to settings and enable sources. After that, disable play protects. Now the phone is ready for downloading the app. Download the app from the website and install it on the device. Hide the icon and erase all evidence.

Facebook Spy For Android

Step 2: Log in

Step 2: Log in
Step 2: Log in

Now, you can simply log in to use your account for spying. Enter your email id and password to log in from the website.

Step 3: Facebook Spy

Step 3: Facebook Spy
Step 3: Facebook Spy

Now, go to the control panel. It is in the left-hand corner. There, you will find different options. Select Facebook Spy and start spying.


This is how you can spy on Facebook using the Facebook Spy option.

NetSpy Editor

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